Not very much new about ways to Earn Money Online. I have been busy working on some websites and submitting my own articles to some of the writing sites. I am still learning about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and all that web stuff. It is certainly an interesting journey and learning experience. Who knew?
I'm also working on building up networking through sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and others. Generally, members are encouraged to post links in their profiles and other appropriate places; which can draw visitor traffic. I am currently engaged in trying to learn as much as I can about Google Adsense and other similar applications for increasing website earnings.
If you're looking for ways to earn money online, the links remaining at this site will connect you to a few opportunities that I have found are part of the cream of the crop in their particular venues.
As usual, none of these links will make you rich very quickly; but they can provide some extra income, if you're willing to put in some time and effort.
There are a lot of scams out there! So far, I've been fortunate (I think!), but be careful!
Get Paid To sites:
Note: Although I did sign up and try some of these GPT sites, I cannot recommend all of them as a means to earn any appreciable extra income online; except for some of the Get Paid To Write sites, where it IS very possible to earn extra cash; as long as you can carry out some basic online research, and you can write a few well-written, organized, concise, friendly, and informative paragraphs to explain your research.
GPT Read Emails, Take Surveys, Complete Offers sites:
SendEarnings - this site seems legitimate enough, but the pay is in "nano-pennies" (less than one cent each); basically, for reading advertising.
Minimum payout $40 - see their 'terms'; click HERE.

InboxDollars - also seems legitimate (and, I believe, in 'partnership' with Send Earnings); the pay here is also in "nano-pennies".
Minimum payout $30 - see their terms; click HERE.

GPT Write Sites:
If you like to write articles, poetry, short stories, etc.; or, if you're into making instructional or 'How-To" videos, try some of these sites where you can earn some extra cash, meet folks from all over the world, and even learn many new things.
Helium: - Note: Helium has been going through some significant changes, and they have modified their payment system to where writers must maintain particular input activity and site ranking levels (among other things) in order to qualify for any payment at all. Previously, Helium paid on all content, even though payment was minimal. Minimum payout level: $25

Yahoo Contributor Network: - Prefers to purchase exclusive-rights content; pays 'performance bonus' for non-exclusive rights content.

Bukisa: - Pays based on page views and click-throughs, as well as for other (active) writers who join the site through your referrals.
Note: is fairly new, and they are still going through some 'growing pains' I think. Their payment formula is better than some of the similar sites, but visitor traffic and actual click-through levels is still getting traction I'd say. It's a good site to keep an eye on; perhaps even join up and submit some material; who knows?

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